Speaker, Coach, Consultant

About Dr. H

Kim Hoogeveen is an exclusive expert in all things leadership and company culture with decades of experience. He was the founding President and CEO of QLI, a nationally renowned healthcare organization. During his 24-year tenure as CEO from 1986-2010, QLI grew to become the largest center of its kind in the United States and was recognized 5-times as the #1 Best Place to Work in Omaha, Nebraska.

That Best Place to Work acclaim led business leaders to ask Dr. H about QLI’s secret sauce. That spurred the creation of a consulting and training company called MindSet. After a decade of working with select companies across United States (and occasionally globally), Dr. Hoogeveen packaged that proven intellectual capital into BetterCulture, a product and technology company with a mission to make the world a better place to work.

With his background as a Ph.D. psychologist, 15 years of experience as a labor mediator and arbitrator, founder of multiple companies, and extensive experience consulting with business owners and CEOs for more than a decade…Dr. H. brings a wealth of experience.

He’s not everywhere, and that’s on purpose. People seek him out because of his candid and direct style. Dr. H pushes, challenges, and educates all at the same time. Certain of his keynotes are designed to create unique and memorable audience experiences and may include live music, story-telling, or live-day-of-event photography.

If you’re looking for a dynamic headliner for your event or conference, consider Dr. H. He has a proven track record of inspiring audiences all over the world.

Kim speaks primarily on topics related to leadership, company culture, sales, executive team functioning, and human success and happiness. A few titles of his recent presentations include: Cognitive Blunders in the C-Suite, The 20 Tenets of Culture, Creating Raving Fans, 7 Principles of Leadership, Stupid Things Leaders Do, Sales Made Simple, and Successful People: How They Think & What They Do.

“A quick note to say a HUGE thank you for a terrific presentation! You “wowed” everyone. Your message and delivery were spot-on as usual, and left all of us with so much to think about and reflect on. Once again, Dr. H, you exceeded our expectations!”
Cindy Powers
Cindy Powers
Seldin, LLC. Chief Administrative Officer

Sample Speaking Engagements & Topics

Organizational Development Network

The Challenge of Retention


Filling the Void: HR’s Opportunity to Lead

Nebraska Healthcare Association

The Seven Principles of Leadership

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