Cultivating Appreciation: Recognizing and Retaining Your Stars

Cultivating Appreciation: Recognizing and Retaining Your Stars

The 3 Types of Employees

When it comes to the impact your current employees have on culture, you can separate them into three buckets. 

  • The first are what BetterCulture calls Vacuums. These are staff members who are often pessimistic (even cynical) with complaining being their most frequent contribution to the work setting.
  • At the other end of the spectrum, you will find your Stars. They are positive, assertively helpful, and appreciated by all.
  • The third bucket are what we creatively call the “people in the middle.”

We spend a good amount of time at BetterCulture helping our clients to address the damage done by Vacuums, but for this blog I want to focus on your Stars.  My question for you is a simple one: Are you 100% sure that your Stars know how much they are appreciated?  If not, I suggest you attend to that now – and by now I mean before the end of this workday.

Stars vs Vacuums

Nothing is more determinative of your business success than your skill at attracting, growing, and retaining great employees. Once done, you need to add this imperative: your Stars will always know how much they are appreciated and valued.

Leaders who excel at this are experts at finding just the right way to recognize their great employees. To give you a little boost, BetterCulture has created a playbook that is pack full of ideas that you can use to become fantastic at showing appreciation. We hope it will spur you to become even more consistent and effective at making sure your Stars know how much they mean to you, their colleagues, and their company.  

Get the Playbook →

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