Mastering the Mathematics of Workplace Culture

Mastering the Mathematics of Workplace Culture

Join us for an insightful webinar that delves deep into the science of building and maintaining a thriving workplace culture. Tired of vague notions of “soft skills”? We are too. In this session, we’ll introduce a concrete, data-driven approach that guarantees measurable outcomes. Our co-founder, Brett Hoogeveen, will guide you through BetterCulture’s foundational formula for […]

The Mathematics of Culture

The Mathematics of Company Culture

“Soft skills” is an irredeemably bad term. It suggests something ambiguous, of short-lived in value, unprovable, and at its core: fluff. When we talk about what it takes to build and maintain a healthy culture, it’s neither soft nor fluffy. Accretive. Absolute. Predictable. Do these words suggest soft and fluffy? When we look at the […]

Leading While Green: What New Leaders Need to Know

Young leader

If you’re a newly appointed manager, you’re probably learning that leadership is a lot more than making decisions and telling people what to do. Leadership is a complex and ever-changing craft – and it takes time and practice to improve. The good news is that BetterCulture co-founder Brett Hoogeveen is here to help new managers […]

What is Poisoning Your Company Culture?

Contemplating company culture

Over BetterCulture’s 10+ years of company culture research and work with hundreds of clients, the #1 poison to healthy company culture is clear. It’s your negative employees. These “vacuums” as we call them, suck away all the energy and fun and leave your positive and productive employees feeling drained. As a manager or executive, it’s […]

What Every Company Should Know About Employee Engagement Surveys

Leadership collaborating

Organizations are finally starting to understand the impact and importance of company culture. But, there are still questions that remain unanswered – how should organizations measure their culture, how do they know where to improve, and, most importantly, how do they know if they are making any progress? We’ve got answers to all these questions […]

The Essentials for Leading Remote and Hybrid Teams

Remote and hybrid team at work

Looking to hone your skills as a leader of a hybrid or remote team? Join BetterCulture co-founder Brett Hoogeveen for a primer on which leadership strategies are working best in today’s distributed team climate. You’ll hear some of the common challenges of leading a hybrid or remote team, and learn best practices on how to […]

Instilling Pride Within the Workplace

Employees that have pride at their workplace

After years conducting our BetterCulture employee engagement surveys one thing has become clear: when employee pride is low, culture suffers. When employees are proud of where they work, employee engagement soars. Given the importance of the pride factor, it is unfortunate that learning how to build pride within an employee base is seldom (okay, never) […]

Empowering Leaders at Every Level: The 20 Tenets of Culture

Leaders collaborating

More than likely, you’ve been thinking about company culture as something that needs to originate from the top – the executives – in your organization. You’re not wrong. In fact, this is what most leadership trainers and culture consultants have espoused for years. But it’s a one-sided perspective, and top-heavy. For a complete approach to […]

How Much Does Company Culture Really Matter? 40+ Real Business Metrics Impacted by Your People and Culture (with sources)!

How Much Does Company Culture Really Matter? 40+ Real Business Metrics Impacted by Your People and Culture (with sources)!

Tired of hearing that “culture matters” without any proof? At BetterCulture, we understand your skepticism. That’s why we pulled together research from top academics and industry professionals to prove how much culture really matters. We found 40 (and counting!) hard-hitting business metrics that point to one overwhelming conclusion: culture matters for absolutely everything in business! […]

Culture: The Key to Excellence in Healthcare

Healthcare leaders discussing and collaborating

Get ready for an eye-opening webinar where we pull back the curtain on how one long-term care provider rose to the top as an amazing place to work. We’re diving into the nitty-gritty – the smart moves, inventive ideas, and guiding philosophies that got them there. You’ll walk away with practical tips and golden nuggets […]