Culture: The Key to Excellence in Healthcare

Healthcare leaders discussing and collaborating

Get ready for an eye-opening webinar where we pull back the curtain on how one long-term care provider rose to the top as an amazing place to work. We’re diving into the nitty-gritty – the smart moves, inventive ideas, and guiding philosophies that got them there. You’ll walk away with practical tips and golden nuggets […]

Seven Principles of Leadership: What It Means to Lead

Seven leaders who embody BetterCulture's Seven Principles of Leadership

‘Leadership’ is such a hyped-up word. Yet, for all the attention it gets, inspired and effective leadership is still hard to find. Surprisingly, the cause of this problem is pretty basic – a lack of clarity of thought on what it means to be a leader. In this webinar BetterCulture co-founder Brett Hoogeveen will bring […]

The Give and Take of Virtual Work

The Give and Take of Virtual Work

(NOTE: This article is written for organizations that are not already operating in a fully remote or remote-first way. Many of the statements made in this article are less likely to apply if your organization operates entirely remotely or with a remote-first mindset.) If your organization is grappling with questions about how much (or how […]

Employee Pride: The Bedrock of Company Culture

Employee Pride: The Bedrock of Company Culture

As a wise leader once commented, “Being the part-time mail clerk of a great company is worthy of pride; being the CEO of a lousy company is worthy of shame.” After years conducting our BetterCulture employee engagement surveys and reviewing and presenting results across wide-ranging industries, one thing has become clear: when employee pride is […]

How Companies Use On-Demand Leadership Training

On-Demand Leadership Training in action

Part 1 Many companies struggle to provide consistent, effective, and engaging leadership training. Two years ago, our team at BetterCulture thought it was a fool’s errand to try to develop leaders using on-demand content. Then COVID-19 happened. We offered this webinar to share the lessons we’ve learned through launching our own on-demand MindSet Leadership Program […]

What Every Company Should Know About Employee Engagement Surveys

What Every Company Should Know About Employee Engagement Surveys

Today, more than ever, organizations understand the value and power of “culture.” But how should organizations measure their culture? How can they know where they have room for improvement? And if they focus on those areas, how can they know if they’re making progress? For most organizations, the best answer to these questions is to […]

Can Your Company Pass Our Culture Code Quiz?

Can Your Company Pass Our Culture Code Quiz?

Can your company pass our culture code quiz? Odds are, probably not. It’s a simple quiz with only two questions, but it’s challenging to pass. Give it a try: Question 1: Does your company have a culture code (a trendy name for a listing of company core values)? If yes, go on to question 2. […]