Employee Pride: The Bedrock of Company Culture

Employee Pride: The Bedrock of Company Culture

As a wise leader once commented, “Being the part-time mail clerk of a great company is worthy of pride; being the CEO of a lousy company is worthy of shame.” After years conducting our BetterCulture employee engagement surveys and reviewing and presenting results across wide-ranging industries, one thing has become clear: when employee pride is […]

Harnessing The Awesome Power of Better Company Culture

Harnessing The Awesome Power of Better Company Culture

More than ever, business professionals are talking about culture – even when they don’t use that word. When business leaders discuss their need for talent, retention, workforce, staffing – really anything that has to do with people – they are talking about culture. Continuing a trend from the last decade, CEO’s across industries continue to […]

The Seven Principles – What it Means to Lead

The Seven Principles – What it Means to Lead

Leadership. Is there a more over-hyped word in business? We doubt it. Yet for all the attention it gets, for all the books and speeches addressing the topic, inspired and effective leadership is still hard to find. Many factors contribute to the elusiveness of the kind of leadership so many are seeking, including promoting the […]